67pallmall.tv launch

Anything to do with Port.
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Fonseca 1980
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67pallmall.tv launch

Post by nac »

Clearly not specifically about Port, but no doubt it will make an occasional appearance...

Received this from 67 Pall Mall last week and thought it might be of general interest:

Launching 67pallmall.tv

Firstly, I think it’s time for some good news…

When we launched our virtual tastings back in March, it became clear that there is huge demand for fine wine “content”, with the ability to enjoy live tastings, with wine delivered to your door, and being ‘zoomed’ straight to the heart of the vines. Thus, I am delighted to announce our new internet TV channel: 67pallmall.tv.

Launching in early 2021, 67pallmall.tv will broadcast hundreds of hours of high-quality content direct from Asia, Europe and the USA, and do what no TV channel has ever enabled you to do before – sample wines, alongside the winemakers and world experts in real time. We have secured expert anchors across the globe as we seek to deliver a 24/7/365 global broadcast. In addition, our studios in Asia, Europe and the USA will ensure that all time zones are considered when broadcasting live tastings and expert documentaries in their respective peak times across the world.

It is with great pleasure that I bring you our pilot programme, showcasing what to expect from our new channel. We will shortly be switching from Zoom to using our own live stream, which will be broadcast from our studio, which we are fitting out across the road from the Club at 55 Pall Mall.

Please click the link below to access the pilot and do feel free to pass on the link to any wine-loving friends or family – it is accessible to all.


I would warn you that it is deliberately very long! Rather than a 3-minute showreel, we have condensed 8 hours of our channel into a two hour “special” that I hope you enjoy…

If you make it to the end of the film, you will hear me mentioning advertising and sponsorship opportunities with 67pallmall.tv. With a very specific, very targeted audience, it’s a great opportunity for any brand to take advantage of the Club’s unique demographic. Any interested parties should get in contact with me directly to discuss the reasonably priced launch packages we currently have available.

And finally, as we embark on a second lockdown I do hope you are able to join us for some of the many virtual events and experiences we are planning for the weeks ahead.
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Morgan 1991
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Re: 67pallmall.tv launch

Post by Doggett »

Interesting... I have been enjoying the content on Sommtv that I discovered during the first lockdown and this looks like a a different take on the same concept. It has been such a rich year for learning more about wine from the screen and the interactive element of being able to drink the wines alongside makes it even more engaging. Will be interesting to see how this develops and how they make it commercially viable. Thanks for the share Neil.
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Morgan 1991
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Re: 67pallmall.tv launch

Post by Doggett »

I watched the two hour preview last night and I am now looking forward to the launch of this. 67PM have shown with the virtual tastings and this preview the amazing access they get with the wine producers, so it seems there will be a huge amount of content generated to make this work which will be great for the viewers. Whether they will be able to monetise this through advertising remains to be seen but I very much hope so. A dedicated wine tv service is a very welcome idea indeed.
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Re: 67pallmall.tv launch TODAY

Post by nac »

67pallmall.tv launches at 1900 on Monday 21st June.

Will be available here - https://67pallmall.tv
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Morgan 1991
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Re: 67pallmall.tv launch

Post by Doggett »

I have enjoyed lots of content on this platform now…and this is a link to the Symington content that most will enjoy.

https://www.67pallmall.tv/play/7c1bf3c4 ... ff_6E8252c
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