JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Anything to do with Port.
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Alex Bridgeman
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JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

The following posts are entirely fictitious and should not, for one moment, be imagined as nearing any resemblance to reality. This can clearly be demonstrated by the fact that all events portrayed are clearly absurd and obviously impossible. Enormous poetic license has been taken in order to make entertaining events that would otherwise not have been of any interest to the reader.


JDAW was feeling pleased with himself. He was the parent in charge and the responsible adult, looking after two of the children and the house. The house was intact and the children were in bed. He'd counted the children before they were tucked in and he was pretty sure he hadn't misplaced any.

Responsibilities discharged, JDAW knew he had earned his relaxation time but since he was the parent in charge he decided to remain vigilant and to open only a half bottle of port for the evening. He selected an everyday half bottle of Sandeman 1927 from his selection of standing half bottles (standing so they were easy to decant), opened it carefully and decanted it so it sat a glorious clear and blood-ruby like colour in the decanter. Sighing contentedly JDAW poured himself a glass and settled back into his favourite leather-covered wing back armchair. Exhausted after an evening looking after the children his thoughts drifted towards the Port harvest and he wondered what he would have been up to had he been in Portugal this Autumn. His eyes grew heavy and his sight grew dim, he had to stop for the night...
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Suddenly JDAW could see it in his mind's eye. He was in the Holiday Inn in Vila Nova de Gaia. Not the most central of hotels but reasonably convenient for the port lodges and quite close to one of the tram stations. JDAW had also had the foresight to pay the additional cost to upgrade to a duplex room with a balcony overlooking the Douro and Oporto on the north bank.
JDAW2016_1.jpeg (106.47 KiB) Viewed 9167 times
He sighed with contentment, a glass of Kopke 10yo White tawny in his hand (bottled 2015; €8 for a generous pour) admiring the view over the river. "Tomorrow", he sighed, "what will tomorrow bring?" He would have some jobs to do (if he actually was there) but would have plenty of leisure time to take advantage of being so close to the port lodges. But first he needed to sleep, it had been a long and arduous flight from Gatwick.
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

The next morning JDAW woke with a groan, he was suffering from jet lag which was why he was feeling dizzy, slightly nauseous and had a headache. There couldn't be any other reason, could there? He had to get up, he had a busy day ahead of him running errands for people who were unfortunate not to be in Portugal at harvest time. His first task was to find some colheita port - and not just any colheita. This had to be colheita from 1975, 1985 or 1995 to fit the theme for a barbecue being held by Oscar Quevedo.

Scratching his head, JDAW decided on a bit of fun and headed down the hill following the course of the Croft sponsored 2014 Professional Longboard course. Sadly the event had had to be cancelled but the course was still there so JDAW got out his skateboard and went off to the Cais. He arrived slightly flustered and with his hair in complete disarray. He had intended to take a left turn to come out by the Dalva lodge and instead had stopped by the Krohn lodge. Not to be daunted JDAW picked up his longboard and tucked it under his arm before marching along the waterfront.

It didn't take long to walk the short distance to the Dalva shop at 154 Avenida de Diogo Leite. Once inside the shop JDAW settled himself on a stool and explained his challenge - that he knew very little about colheita port since port is supposed to be red in colour and not brown and sticky. JDAW's host and the manager of the shop sighed quietly and started to explain that "Port is a fortified wine made from grapes grown in the demarcated region around the Douro Valley..." JDAW lost interest quickly and started to look at the bottles on the shelf behind the manager "...2-3 years after the harvest..." continued the manager.

"THERE THAT ONE!" suddenly exclaimed JDAW pointing excitedly to a bottle - to a bottle half hidden at the back of the shelf. "You have a 1985 colheita. Is it any good?". The manager looked shocked, his introduction to port speech interrupted by JDAW's passionate outburst. "Ehrm, yes sir. All our ports are good. Some are more good than others but all of them are good."

"Excellent," replied JDAW, "I'd like to try it please." A little put out, the manager rummaged around in the small fridge at the back of the shop and pulled out a bottle of Dalva 1985 colheita. Two glasses were fetched from the cupboard and samples poured into each. One was passed to JDAW and the other kept by the manager. Holding the glass by the base the manager held it up to the light and admired the colour, swirling it gently sniffing it from time to time. His reverie was interrupted by JDAW enthusiastically blurting out "That's good, can I try the 1995 now please?"

An hour later a line of empty but dirty glasses stood in front of JDAW and a box of bottles at his feet. Mission accomplished, he had acquired the colheita port that would become the basis of his participation in the colheita tasting at Quinta da Senhora do Rosario later in the harvest. Now it was time for lunch.
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by g-man »

AHB wrote: all events portrayed are clearly absurd and obviously impossible. Enormous poetic license

He selected a ... half bottle of
Enormous poetic license indeed!
Disclosure: Distributor of Quevedo wines and Quinta do Gomariz
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Lunch had to wait, however. JDAW had another job. Some pals of JDAW's were worried he might run out of things to drink when in Portugal and had sent a box or two of port and wine via DHL. He had to find where in Oporto the wine had been delivered. Luckily JDAW had an address. Unluckily the address was back up at the top of the hill. Skateboard under his arm JDAW started back up the hill. The climb was slow, the hill was steep; the sun was strong and the heat radiated back off the cobbles as he gradually gained altitude. After 15 minutes of hard work he reached the top and was outside the house where his port was waiting. Cautiously he rang the bell.

The huge, iron studded ancient oak door creaked open. Inside stood a fierce security guard, "O que?" he barked.

"Ahem." replied JDAW, "I've come to collect some port."

"Vinho do Porto. No. No vinho do porto acqui. Parte inferior do morro. Tchau." and he started to close the door.

"Wait!" shouted JDAW. "I need my port. Meu Porto!" Desperation had given JDAW a grasp of basic Portuguese. The door stopped slightly ajar, and then creaked open again. The security guard looked doubtful. "Seu Porto?"

"English?" asked JDAW hopefully.

The security guard held out a hand towards JDAW, fingers up and palm forward instructing JDAW to remain where he was. Once the security guard had seen that JDAW understood and was remaining where he was the guard withdrew. After a few moments he was replaced with an attractive woman, who held out her hand in greeting. "Hello, my name is Sandra" she said in perfect English, "I understand you've come to collect your port. Do you have photo identification with you please?"

30 minutes later JDAW had completed the administration and was in a taxi with 36 bottles of port and wine and was heading back to his hotel to see what his friends had sent him. What could be in the boxes...
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

But before he could dig into the boxes JDAW had a lunch appointment with a friend who works locally. Having not had the chance to eat at Vinum on the terrace of Graham's lodge at the top of the hill in Vila Nova de Gaia for six months, JDAW had booked a table for two and most definitely did not want to be late. That meant a quick shower and another taxi ride to the other side of Vila Nova de Gaia.

Arriving refreshed, JDAW walked into the restaurant and was shown to the table. His friend joined him shortly afterwards and the two of them fell into an easy conversation. Never quite sure what to eat when visiting Vinum, JDAW decided to have "Three kinds of Pork" as a starter (rather than as the menu positioned it as a main course) followed by the Vaca Velha rib steak for two. JDAW's friend ordered a garden salad with no dressing. Two bottles of white wine, two bottles of red wine and a few glasses of Graham's Six Grapes later JDAW's friend excused himself in order to return to work. Full of bonhomie, JDAW decided that he should pop into the Private Vintage Room. He was lucky, no-one had booked it so it was free for his use. He took full advantage and ordered a glass of Graham's 10 year old tawny. And then, for comparison purposes only, he ordered a glass of 20 year old tawny. And a glass of 30 year old tawny. And there was no point in not having tried the complete set, so he also ordered a glass of 40 year old tawny. And then his eye landed on the bottle of Graham's Single Harvest Tawny 1972 so he ordered a glass of that too.
JDAW2016_3.jpg (89.2 KiB) Viewed 9145 times
It took JDAW a little more than an hour to gently sip through his tawny ports. By the time he had finished he needed a rinse bouche to clear his palate - he needed some proper port. Scrutinising the shelves at the back of the room JDAW spotted some ruby ports - and so he ordered glasses of Graham 2007, Graham 2000, Vesuvio 1996, Dow 1985 and Graham 1983. Those and a copy of the Financial Times meant that he was well set for the rest of the afternoon.
JDAW2016_2.jpg (36.6 KiB) Viewed 9145 times
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Please note that feedback while JDAW dreams would be welcome. I don't want to feel that I'm writing this purely for my own benefit!
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by LGTrotter »


This is going to be the best thing since Daniel did the page by page Montague Egg story. Can't wait for the next instalment.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by jdaw1 »

AHB wrote:And there was no point in not having tried the complete set
This seems to be an excellent dream I was having. I hope the tone is not pejorative: complete sets are a good thing.

This envy-inducing tale reminds me of the scene in the The Hobbit, in which Bombur, after having fallen in the enchanted river and been carried since, suddenly wakes.
J. R. R. Tolkien wrote:That night they ate their very last scraps and crumbs of food; and next morning when they woke the first thing they noticed was that they were still gnawingly hungry, and the next thing was that it was raining and that here and there the drip of it was dropping heavily on the forest floor. That only reminded them that they were also parchingly thirsty, without doing anything to relieve them: you cannot quench a terrible thirst by standing under giant oaks and waiting for a chance drip to fall on your tongue. The only scrap of comfort there was, came unexpectedly from Bombur.

He woke up suddenly and sat up scratching his head. He could not make out where he was at all, nor why he felt so hungry; for he had forgotten everything that had happened since they started their journey that May morning long ago. The last thing that he remembered was the party at the hobbit’s house, and they had great difficulty in making him believe their tale of all the many adventures they had had since.

When he heard that there was nothing to eat, he sat down and wept, for he felt very weak and wobbly in the legs. “Why ever did I wake up!” he cried. “I was having such beautiful dreams. I dreamed I was walking in a forest rather like this one, only lit with torches on the trees and lamps swinging from the branches and fires burning on the ground; and there was a great feast going on, going on for ever. A woodland king was there with a crown of leaves, and there was a merry singing, and I could not count or describe the things there were to eat and drink.”

“You need not try,” said Thorin. “In fact if you can’t talk about something else, you had better be silent. We are quite annoyed enough with you as it is. If you hadn’t waked up, we should have left you to your idiotic dreams in the forest; you are no joke to carry even after weeks of short commons.”
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by PhilW »

One of the things that I always enjoy when reading about other's trips and tastings is that in addition to new interesting details, it can also act as a reminder of your own past experiences, as well as make you wish you were there too.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Andy Velebil »

JDAW is having a wonderful trip. Keep it coming.

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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by DaveRL »

The pictures are great, but I'd really love to see a video of JDAW zooming on a skateboard. I'm assuming it would bring to mind various James Bond car chases, dashing expertly through narrow streets.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by LGTrotter »

DaveRL wrote:The pictures are great, but I'd really love to see a video of JDAW zooming on a skateboard. I'm assuming it would bring to mind various James Bond car chases, dashing expertly through narrow streets.
Here is a link to JDAW late running late to a tasting. With apologies for the dreadful aspect ratio.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by DRT »

I must confess I am very jealous of JDAW's exploits in Porto and would love to be there to share some of that wonderful Port with him.

Perhaps if I am a very good boy that will happen one day...
"The first duty of Port is to be red"
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by jdaw1 »

LGTrotter wrote:Here is a link to JDAW late running late to a tasting. With apologies for the dreadful aspect ratio.
Lordy, I remember those old-fashioned skateboards. How quaint. Modern boards all have a large ‘basin’, with bindings, to hold a decanter, and either two or three or four smaller basins, also with bindings, to hold glasses. So much more civilised.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by DaveRL »

LGTrotter wrote:
DaveRL wrote:The pictures are great, but I'd really love to see a video of JDAW zooming on a skateboard. I'm assuming it would bring to mind various James Bond car chases, dashing expertly through narrow streets.
Here is a link to JDAW late running late to a tasting. With apologies for the dreadful aspect ratio.
Just how I imagined it :D
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by LGTrotter »

C'mon JDAW! Get back to sleep and tell us what was in that box from behind the iron studded door...
Andy Velebil
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Andy Velebil »

JDAW must have had one heck of a day, we've not heard hide nor hair of him. Come on we're all waiting for the next adventure.

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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by jdaw1 »

I agree. I can’t wait to find out what happened.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Bear with, guys. I'm suffering from man-flu and a severe bout of work.

JDAW was disturbed by the waiter from his reading of a fascinating article in the FT by Elvira Nabiullina in which she criticised the easy monetary policies of the Western governments and expressed her fears that such policies would continue to bring volatility to the markets. The waiter cleared his throat.

"Daddy, I need the toilet." he said.

"That's odd." thought JDAW as he gestured vaguely towards where he thought the toilet was in Vinum. The waiter left and JDAW went back to his newspaper.

An hour or so later, JDAW put down the paper having read it cover to cover - or at least having read all the interesting bits between the covers. He reached out to take another sip of port and realised that he had finished all of his glasses. Ho hum, probably time to move on. Moving out to the terrace JDAW stood in the sun and stretched. It was warm and the air smelt good, smelling faintly of port maturing in large wooden barrels. As he stood on the terrace looking out over Vila Nova de Gaia JDAW's eyes fell on the Yeatman. "Aha!" He had selected his next destination.

It's always more fun to arrive at the Yeatman in a taxi than to walk so JDAW jumped in a cab for the short ride.
Yeatman.JPG (54.89 KiB) Viewed 9029 times
The hotel looked as magnificent as always. The doorman recognised JDAW from his frequent visits and greeted him with a solemn "Good afternoon Mr JDAW Sir. We have your usual table in Dick's Bar free. Please go straight through."

So JDAW did as suggested and walked across the foyer to the bar and the table that was always kept free in case he visited. He picked up the wine list on the table and glanced at the short list of ports kept in the Coravin:
  • NV Romaneira 10YO tawny
  • 2001 Niepoort Colheita
  • NV Bom Retiro 20YO tawny
  • 2011 Taylor LBV
  • 2005 Panascal
  • 1966 Croft
Never one to meekly follow the crowd, JDAW decided to see what else might be available. As one of the waiting team walked past with a pile of menus JDAW deftly snagged himself a full wine list. "Ah. This is more like it." and he perused the longer listing. There were things here that he hadn't tried before as well as some reliable stalwarts. And so to go with his plates of assorted meat and cheeses he ordered glasses of:
  • NV Quinta do Noval 40YO tawny
  • 2011 Brunheda Vinha Velha (table wine)
  • 2005 Panascal
  • 1985 Taylor
  • 1855 Scion
Scion by moonlight.JPG
Scion by moonlight.JPG (36.75 KiB) Viewed 9029 times
As usual, the Scion lived up to its magnificent reputation.

Satisfied with the day JDAW strolled away from Dick's bar and the Yeatman back to his hotel, where he settled in with a glass of NV Niepoort 10YO tawny he had bought from the Niepoort shop on the waterfront earlier that day. Once again, life was good. Surely tomorrow he would have the time to open the boxes and see what his friends had sent him.
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

The next morning JDAW had work to do. He had to hunt down a florist in Oporto (or Vila Nova de Gaia) and buy a nice bunch of flowers to give to a friend who had done him a favour. Presumably like London there must be florists all over the town, a short walk down to the Cais would probably take him past two or three to choose from. The obvious place to start, thought JDAW, would be the newly refurbished Taylor Lodge so he headed off down the hill along Rua do Choupelo until he arrived at the gates to the Lodge.

The florist's shop in the Lodge was not immediately obvious, so JDAW went inside and walked around. A little unusually he was charged an entrance fee to go into the area where he thought the florist might be located, but he was on holiday and things were done differently in Portugal so he was happy to pay. As he walked around looking for the florist he came across some rather interesting things: a bottle bearing a label commemorating the 1 century anniversary of the acquisition in 1893 of Quinta de Vargellas by Taylor Fladgate, one of the original bottles of Taylor 1965 (filtered) LBV and a very interesting letter sent to customers and potential customers setting out the benefits of this style of port. But the highlight was a bottle of Vargellas 1868. JDAW wondered what it would have tasted like - perhaps one day he would find out but today was not going to be the day.
Vargellas 1868.jpg
Vargellas 1868.jpg (91.93 KiB) Viewed 9014 times
A little disappointed with the lack of a florist, JDAW left the Taylor's lodge and continued down the hill. He must remember to email Taylor's and suggest that a florist would be the perfect addition to their tourist centre, complimenting the fine dining restaurant and the tour of the cellars.

Unexpectedly, as he walked down the hill in his continuing quest for flowers, JDAW came across a door over which was written "Quinta dos Corvos". Musing that he had never heard of this florist he stepped over the threshold and into a brightly lit and whitewashed interior. He was greeted by a hostess with the most charming of smiles, who enquired whether he had come to try some of their ports. Never one to decline the opportunity to try something new (or even something old), JDAW concluded this must be one of the tests he had to endure in order to find the florist. Graciously he agreed that he would be delighted to try some ports from this producer he had not encountered before and was offered a choice from the menu which included:
  • NV Quinta dos Corvos White
  • NV Quinta do Corvos Special Reserve Red
  • NV 10YO tawny
  • NV 20YO tawny
  • NV 30YO tawny
  • NV 40+YO tawny
  • 2012 LBV
  • 1994 vintage
  • 1996 vintage
  • 1997 vintage
  • 2000 vintage
  • 2014 vintage
Being in an adventurous mood JDAW decided to step out of his usual environment and try the 40+YO tawny along with a glass of the vintage 1996. The sacrifices he had to make in order to succeed in his quest.
Corvos 40.jpg
Corvos 40.jpg (62.03 KiB) Viewed 9014 times
Corvos 96.jpg
Corvos 96.jpg (66.46 KiB) Viewed 9014 times
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

JDAW was quite thirsty after his walk down the hill and so finished his glasses quite rapidly (they must be smaller than standard glasses). Thinking of the thread on TPF discussing which LBVs were worth cellaring, he ordered a glass of the Corvus 2012 LBV. This was very good - one to add to the list in the thread, if anyone was able to find it in the shops.

But it was time to leave. The blank looks he received when asking what choice of flower arrangements they offered at Corvus made it clear that he'd been in error when he assumed that this was a florist. Oh well, these things happen and it was important to get over them quickly. He left the shop and proceeded further down the hill.

When he reached the bottom of the hill he took a look around. Nothing. No stalls selling flowers. No shops with flower displays outside. Maybe the residents of Oporto don't buy flowers? No, that couldn't be true. There must be a florist somewhere. He went into the first open door on the Cais to ask for some help.

This turned out to be the visitors centre for the firm Churchill Graham. A port shipper that JDAW had encountered on a few occasions but didn't know a great deal about. He had a rummage about and while he discovered glasses of 2007 and 2009 Douro red wine, he could not discover any flowers. He must have looked disheartened because one of the lovely assistants came over to him looking slightly worried and offered to help. "If I wanted to buy you a lovely bouquet of flowers," he asked, "where would I go to get them?" Looking rather alarmed at this enquiry, the shop assistant ran off and grabbed a large book which she held defensively. The book turned out to be a directory of businesses in Vila Nova de Gaia and the assistant used it to find an address. "Rua Manuel Alves de Sa", she directed him.

So JDAW turned and brightly headed back up the hill. He had a spring in his step - he knew where he was going. He had discovered a florist and could get the flowers he needed.

It took him 45 minutes of hard climbing with 25C air temperatures and the sun beating down. JDAW was hot and in desperate need of a shower. By now it was late afternoon and he was starting to feel hungry and a bit grumpy - and his grumpiness was not helped when he reached the address he had been given and saw this:
Florist - or not.jpg
Florist - or not.jpg (46.43 KiB) Viewed 8994 times
Now really quite exasperated JDAW decided to give up. He was hungry, hot and sticky and had had enough. He was heading back to his hotel to shower and change. Off he went along streets he had never visited before heading back to the hotel.

He was just turning the last corner before he reached the hotel - less than two minutes walk away - when he stopped dead in his tracks. In front of him and in sight of the hotel was a florist. A proper, traditional florist. The kind that sells flowers and not Port or wine. He sprinted into the store and explained his predicament - he needed a bunch of flowers as thanks for a friend who had done him a favour or two. The three shop assistants between them spoke about 8 words of English but with the help of an interflora catalogue and a passing friend of the shop who did speak some English JDAW managed to convey his need. He was sat on a chair in the air-conditioned shop and supplied cup after cup of cha while watching the three assistants mesmerising work as they assembled a very impressive bouquet. He learned from the passing friend that he was the first person from outside the metropolis of Oporto to visit the shop. As he watched the assistants and waited for them to complete their work, a small crowd built up outside the shop of local people who stared through the window, pointing and talking to each other in awed voices.

Eventually their work was complete and they proudly showed JDAW the bouquet.
Flowers.jpg (52.02 KiB) Viewed 8994 times
It looked wonderful and JDAW was convinced that it was just what was needed to say thank you - a belief that was justified a short taxi ride later when presented to his friend. Satisfied that honour and good manners had been properly upheld JDAW decided that he had time for a quick drink before retiring back to the hotel to change for dinner. A quick glance around showed that he was right outside the Cockburn lodge...
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by LGTrotter »

LGTrotter wrote:C'mon JDAW! Get back to sleep and tell us what was in that box from behind the iron studded door...
Take the money! Open the box!
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Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

LGTrotter wrote:
LGTrotter wrote:C'mon JDAW! Get back to sleep and tell us what was in that box from behind the iron studded door...
Take the money! Open the box!
But which will he do...
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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Location: Berkshire, UK

Re: JDAW dreams of Portugal - Harvest 2016

Post by Alex Bridgeman »

Apologies for the delay since the last episode. Unfortunately delays will be frequent over the next few weeks.

Recap: You may recall that JDAW had just delivered the flowers to his friend to thank her for all her help in arranging his trip. He was on his way back to his hotel to change for dinner when he realised that he was standing outside the Cockburn Lodge...

Having not visited the Cockburn Lodge since it was renovated and reopened a few years ago. The renovations have created a very welcoming visitors centre and JDAW was delighted to find that he was offered the opportunity to taste some of their ports. He decided to taste the 20 year old tawny he had heard so much about, accompanied by the Quinta dos Canais 2007 and the Cockburn 2011 vintage port. He also acquired a bottle of Dow 1985 from the shop at the Lodge, pleased that a 30 year old and mature vintage port was available. He planned to share that with a friend who was due to arrive the next day.
Cockburn Glasses.jpg
Cockburn Glasses.jpg (99.13 KiB) Viewed 8886 times
Sadly JDAW was running out of time. He was due at O Paparico in an hour and needed to shower and shave before dinner. He exited the Cockburn Lodge at a trot and speedily jogged up the hill to his hotel, caring not that the temperature was 30C, the sun was blazing down and he had a mile to run.
Top Ports in 2023: Taylor 1896 Colheita, b. 2021. A perfect Port.

2024: Niepoort 1900 Colheita, b.1971. A near perfect Port.
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