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The scarifices men make...

Posted: 00:09 Sat 13 Mar 2010
by DRT
This evening I started reading a "new" book from my port/wine library: Wine in the Ancient World by Charles Seltman (1957). Whilst reading the first chapter "Symposium: A Party in Athens", which recounts the exploits of Socrates (469-399 BC), I found the following passage:
[url=]Xenophon[/url] (450-334 BC), quoting Socrates, wrote:"Woman's nature is not at all inferior to man's"; and he advised those who had wives to teach them whatever they wished for they would learn anything as easily as man. One of the guests asked Socrates why he did not practise what he was preaching by exerting his influence on Xnathippe - about the most difficult wife any man could have to live with! "Men who want to become expert horsemen," replied Socrates, "don't ride gentle horses but those that are full of mettle, thinking that if they can manage the latter they can handle any horse. My intention was similar; for it is mankind in general that I wish to deal with and to understand and so I married Xnathippe, knowing that if I could put up with her I would have no difficulty with the rest of human kind"
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