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Getting thirsty? (Wed 20th July 2016)

Posted: 13:27 Tue 26 Jul 2016
by flash_uk
Where: The Boot & Flogger 10-20 Redcross Way, SE1 1TA
When: 18h30 on Wednesday 20th July
What: Anything But Vintage III

A few of us gathered to sample some things which were not Vintage Port.

Re: Getting thirsty? (Wed 20th July 2016)

Posted: 13:49 Tue 26 Jul 2016
by flash_uk
A very fun evening even without VP on the table!

160720_scores_s.jpg (52.27 KiB) Viewed 7852 times
Not the easiest to read, so summarising, Tom's D60 LBV took first place with 15 points followed by Alex's D62 LBV with 13 points. After that, SW82 LBV with 9, Sandeman 11 LBV with 4, and the W62 LBV grabbed a point.

Re: Getting thirsty? (Wed 20th July 2016)

Posted: 21:28 Wed 27 Jul 2016
by Alex Bridgeman
It was a relaxed evening on a very hot and humid night made bearable by being moved from the private room by the entrance to the air conditioned green room. The ports were pleasant, some were very pleasant. The SW82 LBV proved what a bargain these were and the Sandeman 11LBV is a monumental LBV that has 2-3 decades ahead of it before it reaches its plateau.

A very good evening, with more time than usual to enjoy both the wines and the company.