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Port Collection for Sale

Posted: 14:03 Mon 23 Nov 2015
by holloway_nick
Dear users. Hello and thank you for your time in looking at this.

My godfather over the years bought me a bottle of port for my Birthdays. I had been storing the bottles in our garage where they were cool, dry and laid on their side undisturbed for many years.

However, we have currently sold this house and now have no garage space (or any other appropriate space) to store the bottles. So I have been looking into selling the collection.

The bottles are as follows:

There should be 14 bottles in total, I've have photos of each of the bottles however the pictures are too large for the uploader tool. I would be very happy to send these to anyone upon request.

Fonseca 1985
Grahams 1980
Fonseca, Guimarens 1965
Fonseca, Guimarens 1967
Taylors, quinta de vargellas 1978
Sandeman 1982
Fonseca, Guimarens 1978
Grahams, malvedos 1979
Grahams 1982
Pocas, 1982
Taylor, quinta de vargellas 1969
Quarles Harris 1977
Smith Woodhouse 1982

One bottle’s label has unfortunately come off, I’m not sure if this can be identified based on what’s left of it.

Please let me know if you would be interested in purchasing the collection or could recommend anyone else who might be.

Thank you for your time, regards


Re: Port Collection for Sale

Posted: 15:55 Mon 23 Nov 2015
by Alex Bridgeman

That is a really interesting collection of port that you have, with a number of unusual bottles. I assume that you've read our standard advice to sellers before posting, but if you haven't it is worth a look.

In your case it seems such a shame to be selling these bottles. These are unusual bottles but not ones likely to make a lot of money as the only one from the perfect combination of reputable shipper and a reputable vintage is the Fonseca 1985 - and there is a lot of this around in the market at the moment.

Have you ever tried, mature vintage port? You have such a lovely line-up that it would be the perfect way for you have a taster of what we consider to be one of the finest wines on the planet. You could try the Quarles Harris 1977 (perhaps worth £20) and see what you think. If you like it, you can open the bottles one-by-one over the next couple of years and enjoy what your godfather probably meant for you to drink rather than keep for a special occasion which never came along.

If you wanted to try port but try a variety rather than just one bottle, you'd be very welcome to come along to one of our offlines with a bottle you choose from your collection (you could bring the one which has had the label fall off) and try this alongside each of the bottles that we also bring along. Many of our offlines are casual affairs where we get together with a bottle each, taste what we've all brought and enjoy each others company.


Re: Port Collection for Sale

Posted: 15:53 Tue 24 Nov 2015
by holloway_nick

Thanks a lot for getting back to me, it's very kind of you to take the time. I was certainly planning on saving a few bottles from the collection.

My worry is that I have moved into a flat in London, and will soon have no where cool and dry to keep the bottles. Will they keep particularly well if they are stored indoors?



Re: Port Collection for Sale

Posted: 18:50 Tue 24 Nov 2015
by DRT
Hi Nicholas,

Is your garage prone to large temperature fluctuations from summer to winter? If so, when was the last time you tasted one of these old Ports?

My reason for asking is that most garages (including my own) are just about the worst place to store Port unless it is in a wine fridge as the seasonal and daily temperature variations can cause the Port to age very rapidly and quickly go "over the hill".

It would be good to know for sure that these are still drinking well otherwise you might not achieve much in terms of sale value.


Re: Port Collection for Sale

Posted: 02:21 Thu 26 Nov 2015
by Doggett
Hi Nicholas,

There are a couple of bottles from your collection I would be potentially interested in for relatives birthday years and an anniversary so will send you a PM.

Kind regards,
