Where: Boot & Flogger, if available. If not, TBC.
I am potentially passing through London in mid-Feb. When doing an inspection of my Big Yellow holdings recently, I was shocked at the number of unusual niche-interest ports (defined as fully mature but <3 prior TNs on TPF) that I'd obviously acquired with a view to tasting with the TPF crowd at some point or another, and I would like to start depleting these in appropriate company.
I'll bring 3 of those bottles + one "old reliable", plus one guest if numbers permit (but with priority to current regulars). Happy for others to bring their choice (or just to turn up without anything and I am happy to open another on their behalf - at current rate of vintage port consumption I have multiple lifetimes of stock that I need to figure out how to get through, but couldn't bear to sell....).
Bottles to be brought blind for casual guessing.
- Ben (BMHR)
- winesecretary (GEG)
- Mike (MPM)
- Alex (AHB)
- Harry (HTWH)
- Ian (IDJ)
- Michael (MC)
- Phil (PW)
- [open]
- KZZM (former attendee of a few tastings);
- Charles (CPR).