Thursday 15th February 2018,
Mr Wolfgang Starz, at
The Boot & Flogger.
Code: Select all
/ParametersVersionDateTimeAdobeFormat (D:201802142030) def
/Path-StGeorge % Bounding path of the red cross of St George
-30 -15 30 15 setbbox
30 3 moveto 3 3 lineto 3 15 lineto -3 15 lineto -3 3 lineto -30 3 lineto -30 -3 lineto
-3 -3 lineto -3 -15 lineto 3 -15 lineto 3 -3 lineto 30 -3 lineto closepath
} bind def % /Path-StGeorge
/Path-StAndrew % Bounding path of the eight pieces of the blue cross of St Andrew
-30 -15 30 15 setbbox
5 15 moveto
5 5.854101966249684544613761 lineto
23.29179606750063091077248 15 lineto closepath
-5 15 moveto
-5 5.854101966249684544613761 lineto
-23.29179606750063091077248 15 lineto closepath
5 -15 moveto
5 -5.854101966249684544613761 lineto
23.29179606750063091077248 -15 lineto closepath
-5 -15 moveto
-5 -5.854101966249684544613761 lineto
-23.29179606750063091077248 -15 lineto closepath
30 5 moveto
30 11.64589803375031545538624 lineto
16.70820393249936908922752 5 lineto closepath
-30 5 moveto
-30 11.64589803375031545538624 lineto
-16.70820393249936908922752 5 lineto closepath
30 -5 moveto
30 -11.64589803375031545538624 lineto
16.70820393249936908922752 -5 lineto closepath
-30 -5 moveto
-30 -11.64589803375031545538624 lineto
-16.70820393249936908922752 -5 lineto closepath
} bind def % /Path-StAndrew
/Path-StPatrick % Bounding path of the four pieces of the red cross of St Patrick
-30 -15 30 15 setbbox
10 5 moveto
5.527864045000420607181653 5 lineto
25.52786404500042060718165 15 lineto
30 15 lineto closepath
-10 -5 moveto
-5.527864045000420607181653 -5 lineto
-25.52786404500042060718165 -15 lineto
-30 -15 lineto closepath
-10 5 moveto
-14.47213595499957939281835 5 lineto
-30 12.76393202250021030359083 lineto
-30 15 lineto closepath
10 -5 moveto
14.47213595499957939281835 -5 lineto
30 -12.76393202250021030359083 lineto
30 -15 lineto closepath
} bind def % /Path-StPatrick
/UnionJackCount 0 def
% boolFill Union-Jack -
/Union-Jack {
matrix currentmatrix exch currentpoint translate BaseHeight 30 div dup scale 30 15 translate
1 setgray -30 -15 60 30 rectfill
0.8 0 0 setrgbcolor Path-StGeorge fill Path-StPatrick fill 0 0 0.4 setrgbcolor Path-StAndrew fill
Path-StGeorge Path-StAndrew Path-StPatrick 0 setgray 1 setlinejoin [] 0 setdash stroke
} ifelse
30 -15 moveto setmatrix /EffectiveNumCharacters 1 def /AsciiEquivalent (UnionJack) def
/fill load type /operatortype eq {/UnionJackCount dup load 1 add store} if
} << /fill null /stroke null /rectfill null >> begin bind end def % /Union-Jack
/EpilogueCode {mark (UnionJackCount = ) UnionJackCount (, which might be fewer than the number of Union Jacks as some are in a form.) ConcatenateToMark OutputToLog} def % Executed once, just after painting pages
/PortData [
[ /dagger () 1 index ]
[ [(F) {-0.05 Kern} (60)] () (Fonseca 1960) {//true Union-Jack} (On behalf of WPS) 1 index ]
[ [(F) {-0.05 Kern} (63)] () (Fonseca 1963) {//true Union-Jack} (AHB) 1 index ]
[ [(F) {-0.05 Kern} (66)] () (Fonseca 1966) {//true Union-Jack} (Extra from WPS) 1 index ]
[ (T66) () [(T) {-0.08 Kern} (aylor 1966)] {//true Union-Jack} (IDJ) 1 index ]
[ [(Cr) {-0.02 Kern} (70)] () (Croft 1970) {//true Union-Jack} (DRT) 1 index ]
[ (G70) () (Graham 1970) {//true Union-Jack} (CPR) 1 index ]
[ (W70) () [(W) {-0.08 Kern} (arre 1970)] {//true Union-Jack} (DRL) 1 index ]
[ (N70) () (Quinta do Noval 1970) [(JDA) {-0.08 Kern} (W)] ]
[ (Ni70) (Dumpy) (Niepoort 1970) (\(Dumpy\)) (PW) ]
] def % /PortData
/Titles [ PortData {0 get} forall ] def
/Belowtitles [ PortData {1 get} forall ] def
/Circlearrays [ PortData {dup length 2 sub 2 exch getinterval} forall ] def
/Names [
[(Mr W) {-0.05 Kern} (olfgang Starz)]
[(Mr Julian Wiseman)]
[(Mr Dave Lund)]
[(Mr Derek T) {-0.08 Kern} (urnbull)]
[(Mr Alex Bridgeman)]
[(Mr Charles Redshaw)]
[(Mr Ian Johns)]
[(Mr Phil W) {-0.05 Kern} (akely)]
] def
/HeadersLeft [
0 [(Boot & Flogger, Thursday 15) {SuperscriptOn} (th) {SuperscriptOff} ( February 2018)]
] def % /HeadersLeft
/HeadersCenter [
0 [(A New Subject of Her Majesty: Mr W) {-0.10 Kern} (olfgang Starz)]
] def % /HeadersCenter
/ExternalLinks [
false (Becoming a British Citizen) (
false (Planning thread on (
false (Review thread on (
true (1960 Fonseca) (
true (1963 Fonseca) (
true (1966 Fonseca) (
true (1966 Taylor) (
true (1970 Croft) (
true (1970 Quinta do Noval) (
true (1970 Graham) (
true (1970 Warre) (
true (1970 Niepoort \(Dumpy\)) (
false (Latest version this placemat) (
true (in list of placemats) (
true (parameters by which made) (
false (Food order) (
false (Boot & Flogger) (
true (SE1 1TA, (
true (SE1 1TA, (,-0.0934337&heading=-15&pitch=0)
true (SE1 1TA, (
true (What3Words: cafe.humid.palace) (
] def % /ExternalLinks
/NeckTagsNumCopies 0 def
/DecanterLabelsNumCopies 1 def
/TitlesFont /Cochin def % /AccanthisADFStdNo3-Regular /ArrayCondensedNormal
/CircletextFont /Optima-Regular def
/TitleMaxHeightProportionInnerRadius 1 def
/InlineTitles false def
/BackgroundTextsGlasses true def
/BackgroundTextsGlassesTexts [
{//false Union-Jack}
PortData length 6 div ceiling cvi 1 sub {dup} repeat
] def % /BackgroundTextsGlassesTexts
/BackgroundTextsAlignmentVertical /Middle def % number /Middle /Bottom /Top
/BackgroundTextsOrientation /Landscape def % /Landscape /Portrait /Natural /Rotated
/BackgroundTextsGlassesPaintCode {0.06 setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke} def
/BackgroundTextsTastingNotes false def
/ThePortForumIconColour true def
Software version 22:30 Wednesday 31st January 2018 (it having been updated to cope with compound strings containing user paths, and containing code calling rectfill: reminder, not binded.)
This was to mark
Herr Wolfgang Starz becoming a subject of Her Majesty, becoming one of us, becoming
Mr Wolfgang Starz. Union Jacks were needed.
• Happily, the internets have a correct
Union Jack in PostScript.
• Background Union Jacks were to be
stroked; foreground
filled with a white
rectfill behind. So
Union-Jack is code taking a single Boolean parameter:
true ⇒
false ⇒
EffectiveNumCharacters and
AsciiEquivalent weren’t used, but set anyway as good practice. E.g., if a Union Jack has been in the array of
Titles, and
FontSizesTitlesNotSmallerIfTitlesNotLonger had been
true, then the former would have been needed. And in the same circumstance, the latter would have been used for making the PDF’s table of contents.
Union-Jack was complicatedly part
binded. It could have been not
binded at all, but that has the danger that somebody — me! — years later copying this code would add a
bind not realising that the painting commands must not be
binded. So the partial
bind is really just a note-to-self.
• Also, just for interest,
UnionJackCount counts the number of painted Jacks (ans: “UnionJackCount = 3690”). Some calls to this command have fill and stroke re-
def’d to do nothing, so that the calling code can know the size of the painted shape. These are not counted. And the standard parameter
EpilogueCode outputs
UnionJackCount. But, as said, just for interest.
• As has become my preference,
Belowtitles, etc, all populated from a single data array usually called
PortData. (This achieves some of what was intended by
a proposal in the software thread on 04 Aug 2011.)
• Without the “
/TitleMaxHeightProportionInnerRadius 1 def” the “†” would have been inelegantly tall (“I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears?”).
• Very rare to see “
/ThePortForumIconColour true def”.
• As this thread is to demonstrate the parameters, allow two pictures to show the effect of the Booleans in
(Screen shots taken from Preview 10.0 (944.4) under macOS 10.13.3.)
• Other parameters were within the usual range of intricacy.