Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Organise events to meet up and drink Port.
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Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

There are various other threads looking for dates for particular themes... this one is to find a theme for a particular date.

I will be in NYC for a few days surrounding the 27th of February, 2009, and would like to participate in a Port tasting. The Graham's vertical and 1977 horizontal both involve substantial amounts of JDAW's Port, so probably wouldn't be appropriate for this date as that's during the time frame that he is expected to become even more frustrated that the Port trade rarely declares vintages ending in '9'.

So... suggestions?

Drink your age?
Port needn't be red?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by jfacciol »

This is too close to the proposed Feb 13 tasting for me (and my liver). So I am going to pass.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by jdaw1 »

Sorry, I’ll be dry starting a week before and ending on a date as-yet-unknown. And if the baby comes early, it’ll be too wee for me to have a licence to play.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

Rather than a full-on tasting, have you considered just a drinking? I.e. going out to a decent restaurant with a couple of nice bottles?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

SushiNorth wrote:Rather than a full-on tasting, have you considered just a drinking? I.e. going out to a decent restaurant with a couple of nice bottles?
if you want to add some dry reds to the mix, I could put up an interesting tasting ...
followed by some port.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

I'm fine with a drinking, especially if there are only going to be a few of us.

I don't drink wine, though, so that's up to the rest of you. I drink Port with dinner... I figure I'm such a lightweight that I shouldn't waste precious alcohol tolerance on mere wine!
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Glenn E. wrote:I'm fine with a drinking, especially if there are only going to be a few of us.

I don't drink wine, though, so that's up to the rest of you. I drink Port with dinner... I figure I'm such a lightweight that I shouldn't waste precious alcohol tolerance on mere wine!
we can have that tawny tasting at this time that I wanted to have end of december until my exams got in the way.

What say you?

20 year tawny tasting?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

A tawny tasting would be most excellent. 88) I generally prefer tawnies to rubies anyway.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

g-man wrote: we can have that tawny tasting at this time that I wanted to have end of december until my exams got in the way.
20 year tawny tasting?
Oh right! The tawny tasting! I have a bottle waiting for that :)
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

Tickets purchased! We are arriving on Wednesday evening and flying back to Seattle on Sunday afternoon.

The only time that's fully scheduled is Saturday evening, which is when my wife will be competing in the crossword puzzle tournament. I'll be there to provide support, so unless you all want to come to the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott to pass the evening, we should plan something else. :wink:

Previous discussions indicated that Friday the 27th would be most suitable, and the last suggestion was that we have a 20-yr old Tawny tasting. Or, if there is a lack of attendees, we could just have a nice dinner with some good wine and Port.

I would be perfectly happy with another trip to Nick & Steph's, if that could be arranged, but I am also open to a new venue!
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

So right now, it sounds like this is only going to be g-man, SushiNorth, and myself.

If it's just the 3 of us, we should find a good restaurant and bring in a bottle (or two... or three...) to have with dinner. I'd be perfectly happy with Nick & Steph's again, if that suits the two of you also. I don't think that the 3 of us could do justice to a 20-yr Old Tawny tasting, do you?

Anyone else care to join us?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

I'm going to make reservations for this at some sort of suitable site next week, probably Nick & Stef's unless someone protests, so I would appreciate confirmation from those attending.

Julian you are welcome even if dry. I'm quite certain that the restaurant would forgive us for shrinking our reservation if you were unable to attend at the last moment. But it is also understandable if your other responsibilities will not allow you to join us.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Let me ask around, I have a few friends that would join us for a dinner.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

Any word from your friends yet, g-man?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

waiting for people to come back from skiing!

i think at most I'd be + 2 ..
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

I bet my little brother would like to come. He brought back the first bottle of the 20yr i'm bringing (and we drank it years ago), it might only be fitting if he was there when I open this one :)

Confirmed, I am +1 :)
That brings the total to 5-6... that's enough if we plan for a gentle evening and a few bottles of tawny :)
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

In that case I will make a reservation for 6 at Nick & Stef's. I'll inform them that we plan to bring in 3-ish bottles of Port to accompany our dinner, and ask if we can get corkage waived since we've been there before. We may need to purchase another bottle on site like we did at the Old & Odd, but somehow I don't think that would bother anyone. :wink:

My current 20-yr old Tawny inventory contains only Ramos Pinto and Taylor Fladgate. I'll also have a day or two to shop in NYC before the 27th, so could pick up something else in town as well. Do either of those sound particularly intriguing to anyone, or shall I just plan to get something in NYC?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

ask for alex or Jen when you make the reservation

Alex was the guy when we did the old and odd,
and jen was happy to accomodate the "If you buy something off of our list, we'll wave the bottle" charge.

btw I'm +2
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Glenn E. wrote:In that case I will make a reservation for 6 at Nick & Stef's. I'll inform them that we plan to bring in 3-ish bottles of Port to accompany our dinner, and ask if we can get corkage waived since we've been there before. We may need to purchase another bottle on site like we did at the Old & Odd, but somehow I don't think that would bother anyone. :wink:

My current 20-yr old Tawny inventory contains only Ramos Pinto and Taylor Fladgate. I'll also have a day or two to shop in NYC before the 27th, so could pick up something else in town as well. Do either of those sound particularly intriguing to anyone, or shall I just plan to get something in NYC?
I think they have a taylor 20, I'm not sure, so we may not be able to bring one, I'm curious to try a Sandeman tho and will probably contribute that to the tasting if i can find a bottle. (I haven't seen it in NY very often)
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

Glenn E. wrote:In that case I will make a reservation for 6 at Nick & Stef's. I'll inform them that we plan to bring in 3-ish bottles of Port to accompany our dinner, and ask if we can get corkage waived since we've been there before. We may need to purchase another bottle on site like we did at the Old & Odd, but somehow I don't think that would bother anyone. :wink:
Before we launch to Nick & Stefs, what about Didier's La Sirene? $0 corkage...
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

that's a nice little place too... but we'd probably be hurried out like last time.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

g-man wrote:that's a nice little place too... but we'd probably be hurried out like last time.
Yeah, on a friday night it's probably too small to accomodate us taking over 6 seats for the night.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

If Nick & Stef's has a Taylor available, I can buy that bottle as my contribution and simultaneously cover our corkage. The Taylor 20 is nice, so it's a worth bottle to have in the mix.

But I'm fine with any location... the only reason I selected Nick & Stef's is that I'm in Seattle and that's the only NYC restaurant that I know of that will host this unruly lot for a meal and drinking. :lol:

If the collective wishes to go somewhere else, my only request is that someone else take over making the reservations. :chef: I'll eat just about anything, but would prefer someplace that at least has meat as an option. :wink:
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

past experience have shown the taylor 20 yr tawny to be priced at roughly 200$/bottle at a restaurant.

I'd prefer you paying corkage if so =) ...

I'm fine with nick and stef. .. but since you're the one traveling glenn,
would you like to try another steakhouse?

I can give a ring to a few of the other NY staples and ask.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

g-man wrote:I can give a ring to a few of the other NY staples and ask.
So I went to check out one of my fav's, Keen's, and saw this...
Thursday, March 26, 7:00 p.m.
A Reprise: Finest Ports & Artisanal Chocolates ($85)
In the spring of 2007, we held the inaugural tasting of Port & Chocolate to rave reviews. These two sensory delights match up as gracefully and deliciously as any wine and food pairing we have experienced. This second tasting session will further enhance this decadent coupling.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

Yikes! *cough* Okay, scratch the plan of buying the Taylor in the restaurant. :)

Like I said, I'm open to just about anything. My wife and I have arranged to eat at several fun restaurants while we're in NYC - including Perilla, which is Harold Dieterle's restaurant (he won Top Chef Season 1) - so we'll be having a grand time regardless of where we choose to have our Port outing on Friday night.

If you know of a good restaurant that has no corkage (or will waive it, or whatever) then that'd be great. But I'm also perfectly happy with Nick & Stef's because they were such great hosts for the Old & Odd.

If I need to bring anything other than a Taylor or Ramos Pinto, though, I need to order it soon. Thoughts about what we want to drink?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Keens is a fun place 15$ corkage per bottle (last checked)
they're famous for their lamb chop with mint jelly which depending on the night can be a hit or miss.

They're steak quality is not bad, but nothing to rave about either. It is a NY staple tho with a unique ceiling filled with smoking pipes.

Rothmann's is another one owned by the smith and wollensky group. 25$ corkage I believe but not sure. Their steaks are very good.

Let me call about uncle jack's .. I really like their steaks there and if nothing pans out, we'll give nick and stef another ring as they were indeed very accomodative.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

In a time of recession, btw, you may be able to get places to waive corkage for us.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

I made a reservation for 6 people at 7pm for Uncle Jacks. I think they're steak is definitely one of the top in NY. (and you'd only find them in NY =)) ... ntid=47305

I've spoke to the GM John and he said he'd give us half price on corkage so 12.50$ per bottle.

It's 150$ for the Taylor 20 if we buy it off their list.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

Sounds great, thanks for making the reservation g-man!

$150 for a Taylor 20 is.. oh, 3x the normal price, so I think we should go with other bottles. I'd feel a little funny bringing in a bottle of something they sell on the premises. I can bring a Ramos Pinto if that sounds good to everyone, or I can order something else.

I've had the Ferreira Duque de Braganca and the Sandeman in addition to the Taylor and RP that I've already mentioned.

I'd be interested in trying a Graham's 20 or a Noval 20, but I haven't looked for them recently so I have no idea how easy it would be to acquire either. I've had a Graham's 30 and a Noval 40 and both were excellent. I'd also be open to others... just thought I'd toss out a couple of ideas!
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Glenn E. wrote:Sounds great, thanks for making the reservation g-man!

$150 for a Taylor 20 is.. oh, 3x the normal price, so I think we should go with other bottles. I'd feel a little funny bringing in a bottle of something they sell on the premises. I can bring a Ramos Pinto if that sounds good to everyone, or I can order something else.

I've had the Ferreira Duque de Braganca and the Sandeman in addition to the Taylor and RP that I've already mentioned.

I'd be interested in trying a Graham's 20 or a Noval 20, but I haven't looked for them recently so I have no idea how easy it would be to acquire either. I've had a Graham's 30 and a Noval 40 and both were excellent. I'd also be open to others... just thought I'd toss out a couple of ideas!
i can't find the sandeman anywhere
but I can defintiely get the graham's 20 and the noval 20 here in ny
btw do a colheita from the 70s/80s count as 20 year tawny? :twisted:
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

g-man wrote:i can't find the sandeman anywhere
but I can defintiely get the graham's 20 and the noval 20 here in ny
btw do a colheita from the 70s/80s count as 20 year tawny? :twisted:
I'd be fine with a Colheita instead of a 20-yr old. 88) The 1977s are particularly fine from the Barros group (now owned by Sogevinus, IIRC), and I've had 3. I'd rank Rocha tops followed by Kopke and then Barros. (I don't know if Burmester, Calem, and Gilberts produced Colehitas in 1977.) The 1977 Royal Oporto doesn't seem (to me) to be quite as good, but it's also a fine Colheita.

If you want to pick up a Graham's 20 and a Noval 20, then toss in an appropriate Colheita, we can split the cost. That'd save me having to check a bag, because we normally do carry-on for short trips like this.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Glenn E. wrote:
g-man wrote:i can't find the sandeman anywhere
but I can defintiely get the graham's 20 and the noval 20 here in ny
btw do a colheita from the 70s/80s count as 20 year tawny? :twisted:
I'd be fine with a Colheita instead of a 20-yr old. 88) The 1977s are particularly fine from the Barros group (now owned by Sogevinus, IIRC), and I've had 3. I'd rank Rocha tops followed by Kopke and then Barros. (I don't know if Burmester, Calem, and Gilberts produced Colehitas in 1977.) The 1977 Royal Oporto doesn't seem (to me) to be quite as good, but it's also a fine Colheita.

If you want to pick up a Graham's 20 and a Noval 20, then toss in an appropriate Colheita, we can split the cost. That'd save me having to check a bag, because we normally do carry-on for short trips like this.
how about a grahams' 20 and a cockburn 20?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

g-man wrote:how about a grahams' 20 and a cockburn 20?
OK, so the plan is...
Graham's 20yr Tawny
Cockburn 20yr Tawny
Quinta da Costa De Baixo 20 yr Tawny

6 people. Correct?
(Would anyone prefer Delaforce to Grahams or Cockburn?)
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

Looks perfect to me!

I've only ever had one Delaforce - their 1994 Colheita - and I wasn't impressed, so unless anyone else has a strong preference I'd rather stick with the Graham's and the Cockburn's.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

BTW - Uncle Jack's looks awesome, great pick!
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

Glenn E. wrote:Looks perfect to me!

I've only ever had one Delaforce - their 1994 Colheita - and I wasn't impressed, so unless anyone else has a strong preference I'd rather stick with the Graham's and the Cockburn's.
OK, I'll get down to Wine Library to pick them up. Btw, i didn't see TFG or Fonseca on Uncle's list, but i think we were going for smaller houses anyway.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

SushiNorth wrote:
Glenn E. wrote:Looks perfect to me!

I've only ever had one Delaforce - their 1994 Colheita - and I wasn't impressed, so unless anyone else has a strong preference I'd rather stick with the Graham's and the Cockburn's.
OK, I'll get down to Wine Library to pick them up. Btw, i didn't see TFG or Fonseca on Uncle's list, but i think we were going for smaller houses anyway.
I dont like fonseca's tawny, way too soft and sweet. I like my tawny with some wood to them.

Oh, I'll bring along a fonseca 80 too in that case as comparison =)
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

g-man wrote:Oh, I'll bring along a fonseca 80 too in that case as comparison =)
We call this "Scope Creep" ;) Just in case is always good, but let's not get carried away heheh
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

I'm also assuming that since this is a "drinking" and not a "tasting" that we don't need to arrange for extra glassware, right? :wink:
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Glenn E. wrote:I'm also assuming that since this is a "drinking" and not a "tasting" that we don't need to arrange for extra glassware, right? :wink:
I've given u p drinking as my liver and brain just can't take it anymore.

There's only friendly tasting and formal tasting =)
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

+2 more. My Friend dominic is going to join us.

I've switched the reservation to 8
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

Excellent! Will we need a 4th bottle now?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Ya, I'm donating a Fonseca 80 ...
It compares fairly close to a delicate tawny since the fruit has really mellowed out and picked up some secondary flavors.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

BTW - what's the total cost so far so that I have some idea of how much cash to bring with me?
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Hey Josh, how much is the port?

I'll spot the F 80.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by SushiNorth »

Quinta da Costa de Baixo 20 yr tawny -- not sure what the price was when I got it. $35 (converted from euros on a german site) i think is a little low, but $75 (on an american site) is way too high. Can anyone find more data on it?
Graham's 20 yr Tawny: $44 after shipping
Cockburn's 20 yr Tawny: $42 after shipping
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by Glenn E. »

So roughly $120 to $150 total. Divided how many ways? 3, I assume?

Sounds like I'm probably safe just with what I normally have in my wallet, but I wanted to be sure. I assume that we can take care of the food using plastic.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Glenn E. wrote:So roughly $120 to $150 total. Divided how many ways? 3, I assume?

Sounds like I'm probably safe just with what I normally have in my wallet, but I wanted to be sure. I assume that we can take care of the food using plastic.
yep, going to bring some extra cash anyway just in case.
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Re: Friday, February 27, 2009 - NYC

Post by g-man »

Looking forward to see you this friday again Glenn.

I'm going to decant the F 80 before i head out to work

I'll pm you my cell number if you want to head over earlier as i work right around the area.

Reservation under my name Jeff...
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