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Virtual Tasting #17 - Festive - Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Posted: 21:52 Sat 18 Dec 2021
by Doggett
Who is coming out to play for the festive virtual tasting. No Christmas jumpers allowed! As normal life seems on the brink of collapse again, it is great to have another of these in the diary.

I have managed to be at most of them over the last couple of years and a big thank you goes to Tony and VWP for their ones, Alex for organising some too, Neil for keeping the momentum and planning, Harry for a wonderful, generous, blind night of great Port and to Mike for the magic of Zoom (and anyone else I have missed). I really appreciate the time and effort of those involved and also the great company of everyone that shares a virtual glass.

Re: Virtual Tasting #17 - Festive - Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Posted: 22:01 Sat 18 Dec 2021
by Glenn E.
I'm in!

Re: Virtual Tasting #17 - Festive - Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Posted: 22:16 Sat 18 Dec 2021
by Justin K
Yes finishing up work on Wednesday after a second crap year so looking forward to downing as much Port as I can.

Re: Virtual Tasting #17 - Festive - Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Posted: 22:21 Sat 18 Dec 2021
by rich_n
I'm in as I'm not allowed to be out. Might not be drinking but certainly up for some enjoyable chat if I can't.

Re: Virtual Tasting #17 - Festive - Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Posted: 17:58 Sun 19 Dec 2021
by Doggett

PLEASE SEE THREAD any nac for this virtual tasting.

See Wed 22 Dec 2021 - Virtual Tasting #17, Festive. This thread will be locked. — jdaw1