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Posted: 22:15 Tue 15 Jan 2008
by RonnieRoots
You may have noticed that I've changed my avatar, that's because the cat in the picture (Dries) sadly passed away today...

Re: Cat

Posted: 23:03 Tue 15 Jan 2008
by KillerB
RonnieRoots wrote:You may have noticed that I've changed my avatar, that's because the cat in the picture (Dries) sadly passed away today...
Ronald, I am extremely sorry to hear that. He was a great cat, masses of personality and fondness for creme brulee. I hope it was quick and easy so he didn't suffer.

Posted: 23:13 Tue 15 Jan 2008
by SimonSaysDrink
You needn't be reminded of marital proximity at the moment, good man, but better days await thee. Regarding Dries-well, I quite liked that pussy. What an utter shame she picked today of all days to join the Departed. Any day is but a day to soon really, at least when it comes to pets. I haven't the heart to acquiesce at the moment; I've been staunchly anti-pet since marriage, choosing rather selfishly to forego the inevitable girly-pain of saying adieu. But alas, the incomparable joy between the buying and the dying. It's all quite reconcilable I imagine. And in the presence of good, well-behaved pets like yours, I can never seem to help but reconnoiter the stance I've taken against them. Again, I quite liked your cat, and she will be greatly missed. Lucky for you, I feel compelled to bring a special wine on Friday to commemorate dear ol' Dries; that is, in addition to what I'll be bringing to toast the hallowed bonds of marriage. (And no, it won't be the infamous and still-in-development Black Pussy bottling from the Klitzekleine Ring. I'm very, very sorry if this compounds your sadness, but we can't seem to get the fabric right on the bottle bush. Forgive us.)

But to Dries...a somber toast im Voraus.

Posted: 00:02 Wed 16 Jan 2008
by RonnieRoots
He apparently had a tumor in one of his intestines, that grew very fast and caused the intestine to burst this afternoon. That must have been very painful, and it wasn't a pretty sight when I found him when I came home from work. Still alive then, but the vet said he couldn't do anything for him. We're quite sad, because we were very fond of him. Fellow cat lovers will undoubtly understand.

Posted: 01:20 Wed 16 Jan 2008
by SimonSaysDrink
I'm even worse off than I was before. I tried to beguile to allay my own worst fears-namely, that the cat may have suffered in its final hours.
And to find out it most likely did; don't I appear the horse's ass at the moment. I'm so incredibly sorry bro; really, all joking aside, from the bottom of my heart, so truly sorry. Not a cat lover, but a lover nonetheless, and I just about hate to see anything go out like this. Send LadyRoots our love and support please. No doubt it often hits the females harder, this pet stuff.

Posted: 07:24 Wed 16 Jan 2008
by Alex Bridgeman

You have my sympathies as well. I'm not a great pet person, but Elizabeth and I have always had a cat ever since we first moved in together and it's always sad when they pass away.


Posted: 09:51 Wed 16 Jan 2008
by DRT

I swear that Dries must have been the sister of my first ever cat (Pussycat) [yes, it's true, that was his name] who sadly passed away last year at the ripe old age of 18. Your new avatar could easily be mistaken for a picture of him as he and Dries look as though they were more or less identical. He was a grumpy old git but we loved him anyway and it was very sad when he went off to the place where cats go.

It's sad to hear of your loss. Never easy.

